The Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation will be implementing the Arts in Schools Competition. This Arts in Schools Competition is termed “MY COUNTRY – MY AFRICA! – CELEBRATING OUR NATIONAL SYMBOLS”. Its implementation was made possible through the grant assistance received from the Public Works Expanded Public Works Program and the Department of Arts and Culture. A total number of 95 fieldworkers have been contracted to visit schools and train learners in arts and culture activities.
Outcomes of the program include the fact that the Department has to provide identified schools with necessary material and training as well as getting learners to showcase their works of art in a form of a competition. Furthermore, the Department will award prizes for excellence and create more platforms for arts in schools.
The objectives of the Arts in Schools Competitions will be:
a) Expose South African young people of school going age in the public schools to the countries national symbols (Anthem, Flag and Coat of Arms)
b) Fostering social cohesion, nation building and patriotism
c) Creating awareness among the learners, educator, and broader school community of the importance, understanding and the symbolic meaning of the Anthem, Flag and Coat of Arms.
1) Drama 15 minutes Cast of 10
2) Poetry 10 minutes Max of 5
3) Audio-visual 10 minutes DVD 4) Visual Arts 2 Artworks Any medium
1) Coat of Arms
2) Flag
3) Anthem
The productions are expected to describe and interpret the meaning and importance of the theme. Winning schools from different districts will compete for the provincial championships to be held later in the year.
Prizes for all categories for Provincial Competition will be provided as follows:
1) First Prize – Trophy + Learner certificate + R10 000 Art material
2) Second Prize – Trophy + Learner certificate + R 5 000 Art material
3) Third Prize – Trophy + Learner certificate + R 3 000 Art material
The Arts in Schools Competition will take place as follows:
DATE: 29 May 2016
TIME: 09:00
“Through the performing arts programme frequent opportunities will continue to be created for artists to perform in popular places that enjoy high patronage. The objective is to continue with the regular art ecosystem and talent identification programme whilst in the process creating jobs for artists. Local Theatres in various municipalities will continue to be used for arts and culture performances and development in 2016/17. We will engage local municipalities to avail their facilities to emerging artists on a minimum fee. The
Bloemfontein Civic Theatre has once again been a beehive of activities, hosting various productions. This facility is for the benefit of local artists. As we stated before, the main purpose is to create spaces for community arts and create opportunities for producers and directors in line with Mzanzi’s Golden Economy and ensure that it is used as a springboard for the creation of touring ventures” said MEC N.S. Leeto during her 2016/17 Budget Vote Speech.
Issued by Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation