19 incidents of farm attacks have been recorded since the beginning of the year, of which 5 resulted in murders. This raises the concern of management because rural safety, which includes farm attacks and stock theft is a priority to the Free State SAPS. "As part of our rural safety strategy, we continue to engage farm owners and the farming community to partner with us and mobilise the rural community in the fight against these attacks," says Free State SAPS.
The recent attack is that of Jan de Kok (70) who was attacked at his farm in Grootwage near Petrus Steyn. The deceased was found murdered on Sunday July 13 2014. He was allegedly assaulted by three suspects who fled the scene with his double cab bakkie, firearms and cellular phones.
During investigations in various attacks it was noted various modus operandi that the suspects use to infiltrate farmers. The mostly used is where suspects would set the field alight to swerve the attention of the farmer and workers. As they are busy trying to put out the fire, suspects would penetrate the farm to commit robbery, and sometimes attack the wife who will be left alone on the farm. Should the farmer return whilst they are still in the house he also faces the possibility of being attacked or even murdered.
In other instances dogs will be poisoned to minimise security in the farm, or workers and disgruntled employees befriended to obtain information on the property and cash kept on the farm as well as the movement of the farmer.
It is with this that we need the farmers to work with the police so as to curb such incidents by:
– Reporting and submitting profiles of employees that have been dismissed either fairly or unfairly as it emerged that most of the time they are the ones selling information to suspects
– Increase farm patrols and report any suspicious activities or people to the farm security and the police
– Create good relations with your employees
– Scrutinize employees including domestic workers, check their background and know where they are staying
– Be discreet about the money and firearms kept in the farm; don’t be too trusting,
– Attend meetings where new crime trends and awareness’s are discussed
The Hawks are working round the clock to trace and arrest suspects in the recent farm attacks.