About 50 workers that belong to the National Education Health and Allied Workers’ Union (Nehawu) gathered to protest outside the University of the Free State’s main gate this morning.
The workers want a salary increase of more than the 4 % that they are set to receive.
Nehawu Chairperson for Bloemfontein, Thomas Acho, says talks have been ongoing since November and the workers downed tools after every other process to get their demands through was exhausted.
“We’re in negotiation with our employer for salary increases which comes every year. What the employees want is something above CPI [Consumer Price Index],” he says.
Acho says the union will go back to the negotiation table with the university’s management this afternoon.
Exams are carrying on as scheduled and all is calm at the university with police and campus security monitoring the protest action.
The UFS spokesperson, Lacea Loader, said the university will comment on the matter at a later stage.
Moeketsi Mogotsi and Mark Steenbok – Courant News