Schools Update / Skolenuus – 13 September 2024

Schools Update / Skolenuus – 13 September 2024

Primêre Skool Universitas: Sewes-Rugby

PJ Ferreira, van die Primêre Skool Universitas, is verkies tot die Vrystaat Laerskole Sewes-Rugby A-Span. FOTO: FACEBOOK

Grey College Primary: Squash

Two brothers from Grey College Primary are the top Free State squash players in their respective age groups. Tristan Cunningham is the top ranked u.13 player, and Liam is the best u.14 player. PHOTO: FACEBOOK

Hoërskool Fichardtpark: Hokkie

Hoërskool Fichardtpark se o.16 dogters hokkiespan is as kampioene aangewys nadat hulle die Jim Fouché Fast Five-hokkietoernooi gewen het. FOTO: FACEBOOK

Grey College: Sevens Rugby

Grey College were crowned champions of the North-West University’s Prestige u.17 Sevens Tournament. AJ Booysen also claimed the Player of the Tournament prize. PHOTO: FACEBOOK

Laerskool Bloemfontein: ATKV Dans

Kirsten May, ’n leerder van Laerskool Bloemfontein, het by die ATKV Gemeenskapsteater se Dans Eisteddfod, twee A+ sertifikate verower. FOTO: FACEBOOK

Eunice High School: Natural Sciences Quiz

Three Grade 9 learners from Eunice High School, Marga Franke, Catherine Trinder-Smith, and Ayesha Kajee, took part in the Natural Sciences District Quiz and achieved a second place. PHOTO: FACEBOOK


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