Michelle Smit
Residents from a townhouse complex in Langenhoven Park were lived after being without electricity for a whole day after "faithfully" paying their bills.
Avignon was without any power on last week from 10:00 up until the evening which left tenants without entrance to the complex.
"We pay the most costly prices for electricity, and now we have been informed that Top 5 hasn’t paid our bills," said one of the tenants, also proclaiming it wasn’t the first time they were without power.
According to one of the agents at Top 5 property brokers, the electricity bills had been paid, but Centlec still cut the power at the complex. "We are not sure why this happened because all the bills have been paid," said Ester Nel, one of the agents at Top 5. According to her, proof of payment was presented to Centlec.
Max Williams, head of Top 5 Property Brokers, said that the power cuts happen for various reasons. One of the main reasons being tenants who submit their payments later than the payment date.
Tseliso Leba from Centlec’s department of Marketing and Communications said their meter section disconnected a few complexes in Langenhoven Park due to technical reasons, which could explain the power cuts in the various complexes. Tseliso Leba also said that notices are usually sent out to the various sectors for these controlled procedures. Occupants confirmed that they were not informed of this procedure.
Avignon hasn’t been the only complex without electricity. Complexes, which include Reynette and Arezzo, have also been without electricity since 10:00. Many comments and complaints have been left on the "Gpf Langenhovenpark Sektor Een" Facebook page about the incident.
Electricity has been restored to the various complexes, but home owners are sceptical about when the next power cut will be.