Metal employers revise wage offer

Metal employers revise wage offer

Trade union Solidarity and other unions presented the employers in the Metal and Engineering Industry Bargaining Council (MEIBC) with a new consolidated wage proposal at the weekend.
The aim of the new proposal, made after facilitation with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and the Department of Labour, is to bring about a settlement and to end the strike in the industry.
Organised labour’s new proposal constitutes a three-year agreement with an increase of 8% for workers on wage rate A and an increase of 10% for workers on wage rates F, G and H for year one; an increase of 8% for wage rate A and an increase of 10% for wage rates G and H in year two; and an 8% increase for workers on wage rate A and 10% for wage rate H in year three.
According to Marius Croucamp, industry head of the metal and engineering sector at Solidarity, the new proposal made by organised labour is close to the ministerial offer made by the Department of Labour. “The Department of Labour’s proposal differs from that of organised labour in that workers on wage rate A will receive a 7,5% and 7% increase in years two and three as per the department’s proposal. This differs from the 8% organised labour proposed for these particular years of the agreement.”
However, Croucamp added the parties were drawing closer to reaching an agreement. “The most significant difficulty in the negotiating process at this stage is that the employers are still divided with regard to their mandate. Organised labour called on the employers in the MEIBC to settle the wage dispute in good faith,” Croucamp added.
The next meeting is expected to take place on Tuesday 22 July 2014, when the employers are to give feedback on organised labour’s reviewed wage proposal.

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