5 May
BirdLife Free State has an evening meeting in the auditorium of the Free State Archives, 29 Badenhorst Street, Universitas, at 19:00. Rick Nuttall, ornithologist and director of the National Museum, will give a talk on the wonder of birds. This event also co-incides with National Bird Week, which is celebrated the first week of May every year to create awareness for various conservation issues. All are welcome. Only a R10 donation for tea/coffee enjoyed after the meeting. Contact Louise Coetzee 082-382-1341 for more information.
6 Mei
‘n Vreugdediens vir die legende, prof. Boelie Wessels, sal gehou word by die NG Gemeente Universitas. Stories en staaltjies sal deur vriende en kollegas vertel word. Navrae Hèléne van Niekerk, 084-226-7954.
6 Mei
Rocking the Classics is performed by Live Band Rush Hour at the Aasvoëlklub. Get your ticket now at R100 per person. To book tickets, send an email to vultureclubevents@gmail.com or call Lollie at 079-796-7975. Doors open at 18:00 and the show starts at 20:00.
7 Mei
BSV-NALN-Vriende van NALN-ko-projek: Bekendstelling van debuutdigbundel van Hilda A. Smits om 9:00 by die museum. Oorweeg gerus om aan te sluit by die Vriende van NALN-vereniging en lewer sodoende ‘n aktiewe bydrae as gewone lid, student of instansie. Die lidmaatskapvorm en grondwet is beskikbaar by http://www.fssacr.gov.za/internet/index.php/NALN (punt 10) of stuur ‘n boodskap na vriendevannaln@gmail.com.
7 Mei
‘n Heerlike gemeentebasaar word gehou deur die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk Bloemfontein, Moedergemeente. Dit vind plaas op Saterdag om 08:00 te Rooiwalsingel, Bloemfontein. Vir enige navrae kontak gerus vir Willie Engelbrecht by 082-728-1489.
7 Mei
Die Westdene Park Market bied weer oudergewoonte alles plaaslik en heerlik by die parkie in Brillstraat. Vir meer besonderhede, kontak Marlene Kleynhans by 082-519-9030 of westdeneparkmarket@gmail.com, of besoek die Facebook-blad Westdene Park Market, Bloemfontein.
7 May
Howie Combrink and Friends are going to set the stage on fire! Get your ticket now at R80 per person. To book tickets, send an email to vultureclubevents@gmail.com or call Lollie at 079-796-7975. Doors open at 18:00 and the show starts at 20:00.
7 May
The Central University of Technology will host an Open Day at the Bloemfontein Campus. The purpose is to showcase the university’s programmes and facilities over one day at each campus, to create a unique learner experience about higher education and to educate prospective students and parents about what sets CUT apart from other universities. Join from 10:00 – 17:00.
7 & 8 May
Have a love for all things photography… make sure you are at the Basic Photography Workshop (10 spaces available). It will be held at 8 Connor Avenue, Westdene, at R1 250. Hosted by Gerhard Steenkamp Photography, the workshop consists of a theoretical session and a practical group outing. Gerhard will offer artistic guidelines and insight into some of the tricks of the trade that will enable you to get you going, to take your photography to the next level and to capture great images.
7 & 8 May
Tempe Archery Club will be hosting the FSAC Target Championship on Saturday 7 May 2016 (1440-round), Sunday 8 May 2016 (720-round with eliminations). Entry fee R250, SANAA members; R300 visitors, non-SANAA members. Entries close on 6 May 2016 at 9:00.
10 May
The French Club gathers at 19:00 in Equitas (CR Swart) building on the campus of the University of the Free State. They will be watching Les Saveurs du Palais / Haute Cuisine, a film about cooking for the French President, based on a true story. Entry is free of charge.
12 May
For a great outing, head to Aasvoëlklub to check out Dowwe Dolla met haar vertoning. Tickets are going for R120. Get your ticket now at R80 per person. To book tickets, send an email to vultureclubevents@gmail.com or call Lollie at 079-796-7975. Doors open at 18:00 and the show starts at 20:00.
12 & 13 May
Come join us for a very informative two days at Biolink ADHD Expo. Professor André Venter is the main speaker on both days. Prof. Deon Visser from the UFS and dietician Tristie v.d. Spuy will also be present. The info shared will be applicable to kids not diagnosed with ADHD as well. The expo will be at President Brand Primary School. Exhibitors who provide tools and services to assist parents and teachers will attend. Contact Marie-Louise Smith at ml@zigzagcreations.co.za or 083-287-8845 for more information.
14 Mei
Die Kiepersol Tuinbouklub vergader om 10:00 by Jannette Cronje, Le Clusweg 16, Fichardtpark. Prof. Andries Raath gaan praat oor aalwyne. Bring eie stoel en beker saam. Vir meer inligting, skakel Jannette Cronjé by 051-522-7574.