SABRINA DEAN – Although a formal agreement has yet to be signed, platinum producers are hopeful that the end of the costly platinum sector strike might be in sight.
Implats spokesperson Johan Theron says unions and employers will be back around the table this morning to iron out the remaining issues so that a deal can be signed, hopefully before the end of the week.
“Unfortunately, I think, the long weekend and the fact that the teams have been away has made it a bit more difficult to sit down and resolve issues but we are back at work this morning and hopefully we can make some progress in the next day or two and get people back to work as soon as possible,” he says.
The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union members at Impala, Anglo American Platinum and Lonmin went on strike on January 23 for a basic monthly salary of R12,500. AMCU President Joseph Mathunjwa on Friday said he needed to travel to Limpopo to discuss the latest offer with mineworkers in that province. He could not yet be reached for comment this morning.