Graduation ceremony at University of the Free State

Graduation ceremony at University of the Free State

Thandi Xaba – University of the Free State was booming with big smiles and jubilation this morning. The university held their autumn graduation ceremony, with over 500 graduates receiving their certificates, diplomas and honours degrees in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences.

Speaking at the grand event was former Carte Blanche co-presenter, Ruda Landman. She spoke elegantly to the family, friends and graduates who’d gathered in Callie Human Centre, which was full to capacity.

“South Africa is special, so reach beyond your own connections.” She further encouraged the graduates to take up volunteering positions, saying, “We need you, you sitting at home painting your nails or watching TV all day won’t change this country.”

Families came from far and wide to congratulate their hard-working loved ones. One graduate beaming with excitement was Christian Motherwa from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who received his B.Com. (Bachelor of Commerce) Accounting Degree.

He shared “I am feeling so happy and excited about it, it has been a long three years. It was challenging but at the end it was worth it, today I took my walk of pride. I thank God and my family and friends.”

What rang for most graduates on this special day is their drive to be successful in their future ventures. Motherwa stated, “My plan is not to disappoint my family and hopefully next year they will be back again to witness me walk up the stage again, receiving my Honours.”

Culture and celebrated tradition shone through many types of attire. Proud parents cheered their offspring with glee, while all the grandparents waved their handkerchiefs, in joining in the joyous affair.

Mike Jack, a graduate in B.Com. Financial Management wore a striking traditional isiXhosa attire and walked barefoot. “I am very excited and I wish my grandmother was here to see this, she was the one who always motivated me to go to school, and she never missed a single payment for my school fees.”

Vice-Chancellor and Director of the University, Prof. Jonathan Jansen said, “ These students make me so proud because I know how difficult it was for many of them to get here financially, so to be able to see all the fruits of their hard work, studies and sacrifices come together and share that with friends and family is wonderful. I am so excited today for our young people.”

Prof Jansen added this is a great day, because many family lives will be changed today. “Simply because the child got the first degree in the family and will get a decent job, they will then bring in something for other children in the family to study as well.”

The pleased Prof. Jansen concluded that in South Africa, “getting a degree isn’t about the individual; it is also about the whole community to be changed by the opportunity.”

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