Fruit of the Spirit – 3

Fruit of the Spirit – 3

Fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5 v 22-23

The third fruit is peace. I am not referring to the peace we need after war. I am talking about the peace we have in the midst of the storms of life. When no matter what is going on in our lives, we are still calm as if in the eye of the hurricane.
Many things happen in our lives we have no control over. Maybe it is this feeling of powerlessness that takes away the peace from our lives. The only way we find peace in the storm, is when we hand it over to the One who calmed the storm when the disciples panicked. Handing over the storms of our lives to God and believing that He will bring it to an end is the only way to find peace.
Unfortunately it is in our human nature to try and get ourselves out of the situations that cause us to lose all peace. We try to stay in control and take over from the One who knows exactly where we are going. God set the GPS of our lives when He planned us. If we keep on changing the direction of where we are supposed to go, we lose all peace and become lost.


Brenda Myburg

* Myburgh is a motivational speaker, facilitator, MC, director, writer, actress.

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