Deputy President of SA to attend Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders’ #Xivijo in Bloemfontein

Deputy President of SA to attend Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders’ #Xivijo in Bloemfontein
Deputy President Paul Mashatile (middle) alongside Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana (right) and leaders attending the #Xivijo in Bloemfontein. PHOTO: Paul Mashatile twitter feed

It was announced on his Twitter feed that the Deputy President of South Africa, Paul Mashatile, will be in Bloemfontein on 24 October 2023.

This is regarding the 2023 Traditional and Khoi-San leaders’ #Xivijo, which is taking place under the theme: ‘Promotion of development and social cohesion in traditional communities through cooperation with government and the private sector.’

The deputy president mentioned that he is present to participate and speak at the #Xivijo.

The event will be attended by the representatives of the national, provincial and local House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders.

The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA), Royal Leaders of South Africa (ROLESA), National Khoi-San Council, the government and private sector representatives will also be attending.

“Xivijo” is a Xitsonga expression of a gathering, usually called by the Traditional leadership. #Xivijo aims to engage on all matters affecting the institution of traditional leadership and its contribution to rural development.

Compiled by Abigail Visagie



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