The one thing most of us struggle with is letting go of the past and moving forward. In Luke 13 we see exactly the same words repeated in verses 3 and 5. If we do not change our minds for the better and amend our ways, we will perish and be lost eternally.
Sometimes we can feel things in our life are going downhill. It turns into a snowball effect. The more we pretend we are fine and we can handle everything, the bigger our snowball gets. It is only when the snowball knocks us out; that we are faced to deal with the reality of what is going on.
It’s a fact that dealing with one’s past brings healing and closeness between us and God. Our Father is always there but we sometimes are far from Him. It is in these times that we feel there is a wall when we pray.
In these times we should be weary not to be apathetic. We become blind to the needs of those around us. Our focus turns internally on ourselves and our situation. Dealing with our past starts a new relationship with our Father. One of healing and living a fulfilled life.