"The moment a point is set in motion, a line is created. This line, multiplied, creates a web or a network that constructs images or connects objects, people and places. Line is a basic element of traditional image-making. When multiplied on a flat surface, it creates shape and once freed from the picture plane, it can construct three-dimensional form. In the medical profession it results in graphs that demonstrate invisible occurrences such as internal body rhythms – thereby signalling the presence or absence of life. In science, line represents trajectories and progressions, thus suggesting cause and effect over time. Line therefore maps routes and connects things across space and time."
In these words artist Liza Grobler shed some light on her exhibition Blindfolded Line, Dancing through Time that can currently be seen at Oliewenhuis Art Museum.
Since receiving a master’s degree in Fine Art with distinction from Stellenbosch University in 1999, Grobler has dabbled in a diverse range of media, embracing bright colour and often incorporating traditional craft techniques to create site-specific artworks.
Blindfolded Line, Dancing through Time is a site-specific mixed media installation and a playful investigation of the dichotomy that exists between inner and outer landscape. The "Blindfolded Line" suggests the creative process as an ongoing journey: a continuous exploration driven by free association, inadvertent connections, interdisciplinary collaboration and repetitive actions. Whereas this exhibition is on the one hand an attempt to visually manifest the above points, it is more importantly an exploration of the creative process itself; a search, in the manner of many an explorer: with blind faith and vague direction. The line strives to dance, but mostly stumbles ahead into unknown territories. As with most explorations the outcome is often a surprise.
Blindfolded Line, Dancing through Time will be on show until 8 June 2014. For more information contact Oliewenhuis Art Museum on 051-011-0525 (ext 611) or oliewen@nasmus.co.za.