BFN pub owner, accused of raping employee, is back in court

BFN pub owner, accused of raping employee, is back in court


A 46 year old man, who owns two pub and grills in Bloemfontein, appeared briefly in the local regional court this morning, where his case was postponed. He is accused of raping one of his waiters in the early hours of June 17. The case has been postponed until August 28 for further investigations.

Courant’s Owen Kock reported last month that in his previous court appearance, it emerged that the man is facing two further charges or rape, as well as charges of human trafficking and assault in separate cases.

The court also heard that in March this year, a case of operating a brothel was also opened against the accused. He was nonetheless granted bail of R5 000, albeit under strict conditions. He is to report to the Navalsig police station on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 06:00 and 18:00.

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